Front Porch Fredericksburg ~ Your Community Voice since 1997
Reserve your ad space by the 16th of each month by emailing us:
Why Advertise in Front Porch Fredericksburg?
- Our market is your market – targeted, educated, affluent, dedicated, and local
- 23 years of consecutive monthly publication
- Value-added ads in print, e-zine editions & social media at one cost
- Make a new ad impression monthly to loyal readership!
- Excellent “page time” – your ad is seen on page with related content being read!
- Fresh content and presence 30 days per issue – read it today, tomorrow, all-month long
- Cover-to-cover editorial content – great reading, written by local experts
- Ad/ed match – your ad on the available page it best matches with our articles
- Extra value: calendar of events is a free priority for our Advertisers
- No set up fees; no text change fees; no simple design fees.
Front Porch is a destination for readers. Readers seek our issues out at high-traffic outlets and worldwide on the web. Coverage area is the City, Spotsy, Stafford. FP is available at high-traffic locations as far west as Spotsylvania Courthouse Snow Library; east to Westmoreland’s branch of the CRRL library system; south to Lee’s Hill; north to Garrisonville. “High-traffic” locations include coffee shops, libraries, retails stores, restaurants, visitor centers, galleries. Additional readers come online from out of the area and other states.
Ad Deadline: 20th of month before ad runs
Here is what you receive:
30-day exposure to approx. 15,000 readers of our print edition, who seek it out every month and have all month to read it, and who are likely to see it because of our ‘page time’ and ad placement;
Approx. 8,000 readers who view our E-edition every month at with the same benefits as above; The Front Porch Fredericksburg Facebook Page — all you have to do is LIKE it and you reach 1,500 more like-minded people (and growing), and have access to the page to post whatever comments and photos/links you want.
You get all of that — print, electronic, and facebook – for one price, for as long as you are in our print edition.
We offer Monthly Advertising Rates and multi-month discounts for continuous ads.
Reach Fredericksburg’s most-desired readership.
Attract shoppers w/ our Award-Winning Content and Design.
Receive the Value-Added Benefits of online presence.
1/16 Page: 2.375 in. w x 2.8 in. h
Business Card*
V: 2 in. w x 3.5 in. h
H: 2 in. w x 3.5 in. h
1/8 Page
H: 4.917 in. w x 2.8 in. h
V: 2.375 in. w x 5.9 in. h
1/4 Page
V: 4.917 in. w x 5.9 in. h
H: 10 in. w x 2.8 in. h
3/8 Page
V: 4.917 in. w x 9.225 in. h
H: 7.45 in. w x 5.9 in. h
1/2 Page
H: 10 in. w x 5.9 in. h
V: 4.917 in. w x 12.35 in. h
10 in. w x 12.35 in. h
Full Color Back Cover
10 in. w x 12.35 in. h
We also offer Color options and Quick Ad Options — To request our new Media Kit please email us.
Acceptable Ad Formats:
- Tiff ; Jpeg; PDF. Resolution 300 DPI
- NO Word or Publisher
- When creating your ad, be sure all elements are of press/print quality.
- Increasing the resolution on a small graphic or photo from the web will not produce a quality ad.
- Fine or Small fonts do not print well.
All ads and images must be 300 DPI. Color Ads CYMK
OR, we’ll design simple ads for you! Just send us your images and fonts and ad copy.
Reserve your ad space by the 20th of each month by contacting us at
AD SALES AT YOUR CONVENIENCE: Do you want to make additional income in 2014 without changing your routine and rushing to an office? Stay-at-home parents – this is perfect for you. All it takes is a few hours a week – at your convenience – some follow-up, and the confidence of your personality…
Front Porch Magazine is offering an Advertising Sales position on a generous commission basis. You call the hours, we’ll give you leads, procedures and information. Then — when we get paid, you get paid!
Interested? Please email
This position has proven to be lucrative in the past. You could be the next flexible-hours sales rep to earn extra cash without the hassles of employment.